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Shawntaye Hopkins is the Marketing and Communications Director at the University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law. Before landing at the University of Kentucky, Shawntaye worked as a newspaper reporter, a public relations specialist at another university, and as a communications associate for a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization serving state governments. Shawntaye has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Western Kentucky University. Her hobbies include reading and writing about books, mostly fiction.

Board Member
Advisory Board

Daryl R. Privott, Ph.D. is a Kentucky Colonel, a member of the American Library Association and has been a fan of libraries since his youth growing up in Washington, DC. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Adult & Higher Education Graduate Program at Morehead State University. Prior to his faculty appointment at Morehead in 2013, he has experience managing higher education campuses, university libraries, working for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Washington, DC. and working as a Sign Language interpreter.

The Luna Library, a program of Believing in Forever, collects and distributes children's books with an African American history or Black character focus. It is an alternative for African American parents looking for books that provide context and knowledge to understand the stories of the African American experience in this country for their children. Believing in Forever is a champion of diversity and inclusion, and the positive impact books have on children of all races.

Are you on the debate team, or like to know both sides of an issue before making up your mind? Opposing Viewpoints offers contextual information and opinions on hundreds of social issues. Pro/Con viewpoints, reference articles, interactive maps, infographics and more available as resources for debaters.  Provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.