Lexington Public Library

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Primary Page

Read articles from magazines and journals, learn a new language, or locate a newspaper article. These resources can't be found with a search engine but are available for free with your library card.

Get live expert help with homework and skill building, study tips and tools, and collaborate with friends on your computer or mobile device. Live Homework Help is available for K-12 grades from 2 pm - 11 pm daily with professional tutors.  You must create an account on the Brainfuse site before you can log into the mobile app.


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Are you on the debate team, or like to know both sides of an issue before making up your mind? Opposing Viewpoints offers contextual information and opinions on hundreds of social issues. Pro/Con viewpoints, reference articles, interactive maps, infographics and more available as resources for debaters.  Provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.


Need an article from an academic journal? Search EBSCO for articles covering a wide range of the arts, the humanities, and the sciences. Available on your computer or mobile device.  Provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.


Learn more about Fayette County and our rich history with the Kentucky Room's Digital Archives. Search photo collections, historical newspapers and publications, and community collections with a simple search. New material is continually being scanned and added.

The most exhaustive and up-to-date knowledge and insight on the social sector to fuel any fundraising mission. Expanded, in-depth profiles of each Grantmaker plus inside looks at the grants they've actually made to keep your organization operating at peak effectiveness.  Available only to customers inside the Central Library.

Meet with a librarian for one-on-one consultation.  Please submit the Book a Librarian Appointment Request Form or call 859-231-5500 during business hours to schedule an appointment.  Appointments are scheduled Monday-Friday during Library business hours and typically last 30 to 45 minutes.

Starting your own business or nonprofit is hard work, but we can help you locate the tools you need to get your ideas off the ground.

The Materials Selection Policy was initially adopted February 25, 1987 by the Lexington Public Library Board of Trustees and was revised March 24, 1993. The Materials Selection Policy was updated and renamed the Collection Development Policy which was approved by the Board on January 14, 2009. The Board of Trustees assumes full responsibility for all legal actions which may result from the implementation of any policies stated herein.

Whether you're just starting out, changing careers, or returning to the workforce, finding a job can be tough.  We can help you land the right position and answer your questions along the way.