Images from the Lexington Public Library and Lexington Public Library Foundation

Library Foundation - Donors


Donations Received January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023

$25,000 +

James A. and Martha R. Brown Charitable Foundation

William Stamps Farish Fund

Keeneland Association*

Marksbury Family Foundation*

PNC Financial Services Group

The Randleigh Foundation Trust

Tempur Sealy*

$5,000.00 - $24,999.00

Blue Grass Community Foundation*

Ramsey Bova and Robert Hammond*

Eli and Mary Lynne Capilouto*

Community Trust Bank*

Cowgill Partners

Anne Gay Donworth*

Elhapa Foundation, Inc.

Jean W. Frazier

Friends of the Library

Lucy Jones

Keith Key

Jean R. Moore

NiSource Charitable Foundation

Rebecca and Mike Poppe

Carolyn F. Purcell*

Serrate Family*

William Bartram and Eloise Williams Sturgill Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Young, Jr.

$1,000.00 - $4,999.00

Deborah Lynn Alexander

American Water Charitable Foundation


Asio Capital

Mr. & Mrs. Ausbrook

Bank of America*

Wells Bullard & Harding Dowell

Ellen Givens Chapman Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

CHI St. Joseph Health

Coldiron Oil Company

Commerce Lexington

Dentons Bingham Greenebaum

Richard and Heather Dieffenbach*

Erin Dilger

David and Melanie Dowell

Mark Wilson Eastland

Elliott Family Charitable Fund at Blue Grass Community Foundation*

EOP Architects | Champlin Architecture

Roda Ferraro & RJ English*

Friends of the Lexington Public Library

Paula J Shives

Custom Ink Fundraising

Anne P. Gay

Mary Wis & Ben Haggin*

Kevin Imai

AJ & Amy Jutte


Randy Kemper

Dan & Cassondra Koett*


Marsh & McLennan Agency

Chase Minnifield

Mt. Brilliant Family Foundation

Muir House Foundation

Network for Good

Pin Oak Charitable Fund at Blue Grass Community Foundation

Salomon & Company

Tamara Sanderson

Brett & Billie Jo Setzer

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Smith*

KPC Architectural Products

Barry and Ann Stilz

Stites & Harbison PLLC

Jim Stokes and Jo Ann Czekalski

SVN Stone Commercial Real Estate

James N Turek*

Will Van Meter

John and Jacqueline Van Willigen

$250.00 - $999.00

Tom and MaryAnn Ackerman

Ban Alattar


David & Stephanie Arnold

E.S Barr & CO

Larry & Carol Beach

Bluegrass Sotheby's International Realty

The Bird-Pollan Family

Alanson H. and Charles H. Boden

Shannon Brady

Kimberly & David Brennen

The George and Katherine Brooks Charitable Fund at National Christian Foundation

Craig Cammack

Roger and Nancy Chesser

Paula Clancy

Tim & Debby Coleman

Elizabeth Combs

Gary and Nancy Craft

Lisle & Kathy Dalton

John and Sandra Deaton

Susan Downing

Aisling Duignan

Claude H. and Elizabeth Farley

Amanda Foxx

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Frazier

Alexander Garcia

Ruth Ann Gaylord

Sarah and Frederick Gibbs

John Gohmann

Judy Goldsmith & Andrew Klapper

Karen Grace

Carolyn Greene

Gregory L. Hager

Naomi Clewett and Brian Hocevar

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ireland

Ron and Judith Isaacs

Bonnie Jones

Alann and Kristi Karow

Karen E. King

Mary Ellen Klatte

Sharon Ledford

Todd Lemley

Steve and Noelle Leung

Edmund D. Lyon

Margot McCullers

Thomas Meng

Florence Metcalfe

George M. Van Meter

Kate Mitzenmacher

Carol Jean More

Elizabeth Morley

Carly Muetterties

Virginia F. Murphy

Jordan Parker

John & Beth Phillips

Pledgeling Foundation

Reese and Becky Reinhold

Jane Rowady

Chicago Royal Thai Consulate - General

Terry Royster

Paul A. Schwartz

Thornton Scott

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sevigny

The Henry Laird Smith Foundation

Susan E Spires

Charlotte and John Clay Stites

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Straus

Tri-State Roofing and Sheet Metal Company

Jewel Vanderhoef

Larry and Lucy VanMeter

Geraldine Wagner

Nila Wells

Kimberly Winchester

$0.00 - $249.00

Betty Abdmishani

Christopher & Jean Abner

Michael Abrahim

Chrissie Adams

Elizabeth Adams

James and Rosa Allison

Lezlie Allison

Linda Diane Ames

Linda Angelucci

Anonymous x8

Aimee Arthurs

Mike and Elizabeth Asay

Chrissie Balding

L.A Baldon

Ann Marie Banet

Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Beasley

Matthew S Beebe

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Kristen and Perry Bentley

Thelma M. Bergman

Janice Birdwhistell

Jon B. Blehar

Dana Boarman

Margaret Boden

Kristen Bodi

Simon Boes

Edward Boose

Beverly Bouse 

Laura and Zack Bray

Richard Brooks

Stephen Broughton

Miranda Brown

Susan Brown

Taylor Buck

John Buckner

Brenna Byrd

William Byrne

Linda W. Carey

Lynne Cassone

Kirk Catinna

Laura Clifford

Catherine Coggins

Toherana Coleman

Chelsea Compton

Computer Training Solutions

Lynne Cornish

Karen Cosgrove

Gloria Lynn Crabtree

Krystin Cutwright

David Dattilo

Gregory Davis

Joyce G Davis

W. Clayton Davis

Cynthia B. Deitz

Carrie Dichiaro

David Dickason

Mary Davis Dicken

Katie Dilger

Donna Gene Dixon

Rachel Eberhart

Christopher A. Eckert

Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Linda Ellis

Dr. Rolf Embertson & Dr. Claire Latimer

Hannah Faulkner

Sandra Fitz

Brennan Flora

Ava Crow & Anne Flynn

Hazel Forsythe

Jerold and Mary Lou Friesen

Brandi Frisby


Jerry Fuller
Lynn Furness

Miranda Gajda

Jack and Debbie Gallagher

Janiel Gammon

Kathleen Gannoe

Kelsey Gatton

Chris J. Gay

Deborah Press Gerth

Kim & John Glenney

Eugene Glowatch

Jonathan Golding

Pete & Dawn Grass

Spencer Greenhalgh

Kathleen Gross

Alyce Guares

Dennis Hacker

Lindsey Hammerslag

Hanna-McCord Family Charitable Fund at Blue Grass Community Foundation

Sarah Harmon

Phyllis R. Hasbrouck

Chris Heinz

Cher Hennessy

Darlene Herman

Deborah Higgins

Donna Hill

Lynne Hirleman

Carol S Hodges

Connie Holman

Marnie Clay Holoubek

Jennifer Howard

Pamela G. Hricenak

Joseph Hudson

Dean Hunt

Julie A. Igo

Immanuel Baptist Church

Mary L. Ireland

Bonnie Jacobs

Louis W. Jaquith

Reinette F. Jones

Farhad & Gohary Kamdar

Julie Karns

Rona Roberts & Steve Kay

Amanda Gehman Keeling

Wendi Keene

Christopher Keeton

Todd & Cynthia Kelly - Kelly Nursery

Anne C. Kemp

Laura Kennedy

Laurie Ketcham-Schrick

Jan Keys

Rebecca King

Kathy Kluemper

Kitty Koniali

Priya Koul

Joe Kratzat

Gary Lacy

Kathy Lairson

Elaine Landry

Rachel Laudan

Alberto & Vida Laureano

Dena R Lawing

Emily Lawson

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lee, Jr

Nathan and Blair Lee

Mr. and Mrs. William J Leffler, II

Jo W. Leone

Lexington Science Fiction and Fantasy Association

Qiaozhi Li

Joseph Linville

Maddie Loeffler

Julie Logan

Bo Hai Loh

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Lovell, III

Elizabeth Lowe

Joel Loy

Joel Lubrano

Mary Luken

Rebecca Lutz

George Lyon

Katie Lyons

Jane Manning

Valerie Marshall

Janet Marshall

Bill and Melinda Massie

Gerald Mattingly

Jennifer McGowan

Elizabeth McLaren

Pope and Betty Ann McLean

Mary Ann McMurry

Robert Meadows

Linda J. Miller

Margaret Morrison

Charlotte F. Moss

K Muthukumaraswamy

Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Nathe

Irvathur N. Nayak

Donna Neal

Elizabeth Neher

Leah Newsom

Lynna Nguyen

Huu Nguyen

Ellen and Allen Norvell

Karen Novak

Tom OBrien

Jackie Oldiges

Veronica O'Neal

Devin Onkst

Thomas Pace

Jane and B Patterson

Ray and Carol Paulick

Linda Peel

Shelby Pennick

Cecil Peppiatt

Brett T. Spear and Martha Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Phillips

Janet Pike

Gitanjali Pinto-Sinai

Hunter Porter

Robert Preston

Daryl Privott

Jillian Pyatte

Jacqueline C. Decroo and Robert J. Rabel

Leon Ravvin

Edward A. Receski

Peggy Reeves

Jennifer Reynolds

Dana Richards

Elizabeth Ringstrom

Louise C. Robinson

Andrew Roche

Mary Jane Rodes

Phillip Roeder

Wendy Rogers

Adam Rogers

John Rose

Teresa Rosebud

Rosenstein Family Charitable Foundation Inc

Cassidy Rosenthal

Anna Ross

Ali Rossi

Daniel and Wendy Rowland

Anthony Russell

Ryann Sams

Nat H. Sandler

Lisa Satin

Gary Schaeffer

Meagan Schaeffner

Roger Paige and Sara J. Schoenberg

Courtney Scoby

Carol Searcy

Kathy Sebesta

Sandra Senft

Sanjay and Mital Shah

Michelle and J. Alan Sisk

Shelly Skeens

Collis Sledd

Paige Halpin Smith

Carissa Smith

Allison Soult

Sam Speaks

Sheldon and Marion Steiner

Michael Sternberger

Scott & Julia Stevens

Joan Stewart

Elizabeth Stewart

Melinda Stewart

Susan Stewart

Susie Stewart

Margaret Stoeckinger

Jordan and Dawn Strickler

Beverly Supko

Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc.

Hsin Hsiung & Chen Ling Tai

Tammy Talbert

Meghan Talley

William Thomas Jr

Paul Toomey

Chake Travers

Robert & Barbara Travis

Mary Tri

Megan Tucker

Gerald and Florence Urban

Deborah Vallee

Vicki L. Vance

Elizabeth Vaughn

Chaitanya Velicheti

Mr. and Mrs. Vinodh Venugopal

Lynn Vera

Ashley Wagers

Jerry Wagner

Jim & Cindy Ware

Natalie B Watt

Wendy Waugh

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Webb

Alan Weinstein

Yajaira Aich West

Betsy Whiteman

Billy E. Widener

Holly Wiedemann

Robert Wildman

J Wilhite

Harvie and Nellie Wilkinson

Carol Wills

Andrea Wilson

Chelsea Wilson

Charlotte Wood

George & Betty Yates

Wesley Zanone

In Honor, In Memory, Gifts In-Kind

Donation In Honor of Beth Lanshima
John Mark Streble

Donations In Honor of Betty Abdmishani
Catherine Reilender

Donation In Honor of Elizabeth Kilcoyne
Eleanor Monahan

Donation In Honor of Jennifer Bird-Pollan 
Linda Handren

Donation In Honor of Jenny Smith 
David & Margaret Smith

Donation In Honor of Judy & Louis Strauss
Sarah Switzer

Donation In Honor of Linda Ransdell
Liz Shooner

LEX1 Amazon
Jonathan S. Miller
MOD Pizza
Lexington Catholic High School
America's ToothFairy

Donation In Honor of Maryellen Bond
Robbin Bond

Donation In Honor of Michele Freed
Anibal and Joanne Biglieri

Donation In Honor of Molly Watson
Olivia Davis

Donation In Honor of Pippa Reames
Christopher Reames*

Donation In Honor of Stephanie Barrett
Betty Nigoff

Donation In Honor of Steve Flomenhoft
Eli Flomenhoft

Donation In Honor of The Kentucky Room 
Kimberly Wickens

Donation In Memory of Anita Rhea & Lyon DeWitt
Kathleen Stamm

Donation In Memory of Ann McIntosh
Suzanne Mcintosh

Donation In Memory of Anna Elizabeth Burnett
Luann Burnett

Donation In Memory of Anne F. Goad
Frank Goad

Donation In Memory of Betty Evans Rose
Kathleen M. Rose

Donation In Memory of Celesta Poplin Boggs
Vicki Luciano

Donation In Memory of Diana Dodson 
Insurance Associates

Donation In Memory of Donald Sands
John and Carolyn Looff

Donation In Memory of Dr. Gerardo & Mrs. Ruby J.H.G. Saenz
Monique A SaenzKurz

Donation In Memory of Ellen Wiseman 
Mary Leah R. Atkinson

Donation In Memory of Evoyd and Linda Horsley
Tim and Judy Riddell

Donation In Memory of Hugh and Peg LeClair
Kristie Kirkpatrick

Donation In Memory of Jay and Harriet Cason 
Harriet Cason

Donations In Memory of Jim Ryder
Cyndie Barone
Tanner Curtis
Cynthia and Chuck France
Paula and Todd Gottdiner
Wayne and Anne Graff
Susan Hartwell
Joy T. Hinkle
Shelby Reynolds
Mary Schusterbauer
Paula Setser-Kissick
Chaucey Slagel

Donation In Memory of Josephine Garis Cochran
Robyn Tylar Saur, of Queer Queendom

Donation In Memory of Miriam Stambaugh 
Connie McNeely

Donation In Memory of Monies Tingle
Elizabeth Tingle-Crovo

Donation In Memory of Philip and Susan Bonner
David Madden

Donations In Memory of Philip Bonner
Rebecca Kellum
Andrew & Evelyn Pulito
Chase Southard
Lee Walker
Daniel D. and Jennifer M. Brock

Donation In Memory of Phyllis Jenness
Daniel D. and Jennifer M. Brock 

Donation In Memory of Rev. Eric D. Iverson 
Elizabeth Iverson 

Donations In Memory of Rose Mary Sherlock 
Mr. Joe F. Childers and Ms. Denise G. Smith
Carol Simpson
Diane Whitt

Donations In Memory of Russell "Red Eye" Salyer
Sue Cole
My Tribute Gift Foundation
Ted and Hunter Kessinger
Elizabeth Leo
Debbie Salyer
Kerry Smith
Andrea Sosby

Donations In Memory of Sandra Cooper Young 
Tracey Daley
Bonnie Roberts
Joanne Sigler

Donation In Memory of Sharon Powers
Annie Scranton

Donation In Memory of Sir Isaac Newton 
Ryan Garrett Callahab 

Donation In Memory of Susan Durant 
Suzannr Kifer

Donations In Memory of William "Bill" Gibbs
Erica Ashlock
Brett Behr
Joe Bonilla
Alexandra Brook
Randy Cassen
Chuck Downie
Roshad Ismail and the Ismail Family
Charla Featherstone
Jeff Gibbs
B' Ann Johnson
Barbie Lally
Darlene Logan
Lynn Neill
Dave & Lisa Norat
Margery Perry
Stephanie Romo
Shayne Skarda
David & Margaret Smith
Vicky Tomko, Monica Blaz and Jan Cortes-Duewel
Linda Walker

1795 Society Members (planned giving)

*posthumous members
Louis A. Carmichael
Bonnie Jean Cox & Guy Davenport*
Wayne Doller
Anne Gay Donworth
Robert Kertickles*
Mary Jane Gallaher Kissling*
Timothy Sineath
Bettie Jane Tuttle*

*Denotes multi-year pledges.
If you notice any errors or omissions, please accept our sincere apologies. Please contact us to make any changes.