Lexington Public Library

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Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)
Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)
Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)
Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)
Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)
Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)
Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)
Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)
Communico short description
Move, sing, read, and play in this interactive storytime for toddlers and their caregivers. Recommended for ages 18 to 36 months.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Communico age group
Toddler (18-36 months)

We stand for free and open access to information. That starts with removing unnecessary barriers to our educational resources and technology. The Lexington Public Library no longer charges fines or fees for late, lost, or damaged material.

Library meeting rooms are available for individuals, non-profit, for profit, study groups, and community organizations seeking to hold meetings, trainings, and workshops.  Meeting rooms are free of charge.  Sterno and other tools/equipment that have an open flame are prohibited.

The Lexington Public Library offers an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service which allows cardholders in good standing to borrow books and magazine articles we do not own and cannot purchase. The Lexington Public Library also lends our books to libraries both inside and outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

The Central Library's Parking Garage is available to our customers or anyone needing a parking space.  There are 428 parking spots in the garage, 10 of which are handicapped or van accessible.  The height clearance for garage entry is 13'1".  The height clearance for parking access is 6'4".

Two hours of free parking is provided with a ticket validated inside the Central Library.

Meet with a librarian for one-on-one consultation.  Please submit the Book a Librarian Appointment Request Form or call 859-231-5500 during business hours to schedule an appointment.  Appointments are scheduled Monday-Friday during Library business hours and typically last 30 to 45 minutes.

Board Member
Advisory Board

A born-and-raised Lexingtonian, Hunter attended Lexington Catholic High School and graduated with a B.S. in Economics from the University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business and Economics in 2015. He is currently a Senior Associate at BC Wood Properties, a commercial real estate investment company, where he manages 1.8 million square feet of commercial space throughout six states. Hunter has a passion for community involvement, serving on various boards for the Explorium of Lexington, United Way of the Bluegrass, University of Kentucky DanceBlue Marathon, and Make-A-Wish Kentucky.

The Central Kentucky Cemeteries Maps are powered by Google Maps.  Counties include:  Fayette, Bourbon, Clark, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Lincoln, Madison, Mercer, Montgomery, Nicholas, Powell, Scott, and Woodford.